
7 Digital Platform Strategies To Consider In Tech Competition

Technology is playing a massive role in the current changes in the world currently. With the growth of the internet and the increasing popularity of smartphones, it’s obvious that future generations will be dealing with a lot of technologies in their daily lives, and artificial intelligence is ensuring this. So now businesses are changing their course and sailing towards inventions.

3 Best Free Backup Software for Mac

Data loss is an undesirable situation that sooner or later intrudes on our Mac usage. There is a set of things to know when facing such a problem – the things that will let you maintain a clear mind, abstain from panicking, and act quickly. Thanks to the invention of free data restoring software, now everybody can get their files backed up at no extra charge. If you have got such programs on your side, you become well equipped and ready for such tricky moments.

How to write an Online Privacy Policy?

A privacy policy is one of the most vital legal documents for most websites, whether it is a blog or a small business. If a website gathers personal data – statistical, functional, or marketing – they are obligated to inform users about this via a privacy policy as per the privacy laws in their jurisdiction. But, how does one draft a privacy policy? That’s exactly what we will be addressing today – the elements of writing a good privacy policy, and the essential terms and conditions to include in every privacy policy.

Make Life Difficult for Hackers

We hear about data breaches on a daily basis, and it's no surprise. You do not need to be a large corporation or an oligarch to fall victim to a cyberattack. By understanding what cyberattacks are, you'll be able to detect and prevent common cyberattacks and protect your devices and online accounts from hackers.

12 Types of Cyberattacks Every Business Should Know About

Cyberattacks should not be taken lightly, as fraudulent techniques are constantly changing and improving. Last year alone, 1,001 companies and about 155.8 million users experienced identity theft. To avoid falling into this trap and protect your business, it's helpful to know the most common types of cyberattacks. Whenever there is a large sum of "money transfer" involved, extra caution should be given to ensure the transaction is legitimate.

5 Tips To Protect Your MacBook From Hackers

Cybercriminals are not the same as those who rob people on the street. These are well-educated, tech-savvy individuals who do not care whether you prefer expensive or low-cost devices. They appear to be capable of hacking anything. This issue contributes to the formation of specialist departments comprised of the best minds in the IT sector, whose main task is to identify software flaws and protect smart devices from potential hacking. Do you know how to protect your Mac from hacking attempts?

13 Gadgets That Pro Gamers Should Have

One of the best ways to de-stress after a long day is to play PC games. Gaming can be a fun activity or an income-generating career if you choose to go professional. Becoming a pro gamer is never easy; you need to invest in the best accessories and put your time into it. The gadgets and equipment you use can determine your gaming experience. Although you may have the basics, i.e., keyboard and mouse, they won’t help you make any meaningful progress. You will need other gaming gears to improve your gameplay and become a pro.

Android vs iOS: Which Is More Secure?

While many argue that this issue is decided by branding and status, we believe the reasons go beyond swears by the convenience of a particular software system. Android and iOS have been competing with each other for almost an eternity. Android and iOS both have a large user base and are constantly borrowing features from one other. This is one of the reasons why both operating systems are so difficult to compare. Despite their similarities, there is one with a more unique and secure interface.

Working from home? Here Are 5 Work Security Mistakes that Create Cyber Risks

When COVID-19 was first discovered in 2019, most people thought their lives would remain unaffected by the outbreak, which eventually turned into a pandemic. Fast-forward to 2021 and most people that could work from home are doing so, and it is staying for the long haul. The perks of working from home are numerous. You can roll out of bed in your pj’s and still make it on time for the Monday 9 am meeting. Having the comfort of your own home, avoiding the commute, saving money on those office lunches because you forgot your packed lunch…. I could go on. It’s not all perks though, as there are always thieves and scammers on the lookout and with most workers using their own devices and laptops, cybersecurity could range from financially devastating to easily avoidable.