
What is Internet Censorship?

Internet censorship puts restrictions on what information can be publicized or viewed on the Internet. Governments and other organizations commonly use internet censorship to block access to copyrighted information as well as to harmful or sensitive content. However, internet censorship can also be used as a propaganda method to promote specific religions and political agendas.

Why you should stay away from free VPN services

VPNs are a secure way to hide your geographic location and identity in order to access geo-blocked content. The most secure VPN services that can protect your privacy are normally sold. Protecting your online privacy and identity is very important especially if you are someone who likes torrenting and accessing geo-blocked content.

How to locate your lost iPhone?

Misplacing a smartphone is not about losing your apps, music and contacts; it is also about giving away unauthorized access to your pictures, social networking sites - online identity and personal emails and stuff. In some cases, it also means the thief would gain access to your banking data if at all you are the kind of person who does banking online or stores all passwords in quick notes app. Given that your smartphone is a database of all your critical and personal data, it is extremely essential to register for in-built security features, install additional security software if need be.

What is an Intranet?

The term intranet is comprised of two words: "Intra" means internal and the "net" represents the network. The Intranet, therefore, can be defined as the internal network. It is a private network with access limited to the authorized users only. The Intranet can be as simple as a private website or it can be as big as private organizational infrastructure, accessed by only the authorized users. The intranet may not necessarily be connected to the Internet but they usually do. In typical intranet architecture, there are specific computers in a defined parameter where each computer in the intranet plays a specific role to provide common tools and features to every computer connected to the intranet. There are vendors that provide the intranet portal software like Share Point, Igloo, and Huddle.

What is Web2.0?

Web2.0 refers to websites on the World Wide Web (WWW) which focus on user-generated content, usability and ease of use, and interoperability between one website and other products, devices, or systems. To be perfectly clear, the term does not refer to an update of any specific language or application but rather; a change in the process involved with how developers web pages were created and used.

What is Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)?

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing and defining the presentation of a document written in some markup language such as Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). As a matter of fact, next to HTML and JavaScript (JS), CSS is one of the core parts of the World Wide Web (WWW) to create visually engaging websites and user interfaces for both web applications and mobile applications.

What is User Datagram Protocol (UDP)?

The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is one of the core protocols of the Internet Protocol (IP) Suite in the transport layer. The protocol’s primary purpose is for the use of sending messages (datagrams) between two endpoints across the Internet without the need of a pre-existing data path from prior communication between the endpoints. This is what is referred to as connectionless communication and is ideal in situations where error-checking and error-correction are not needed between two endpoints. In these scenarios, the datagrams can be sent between the two endpoints faster than using the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) as the overhead generated from error-checking and error-correction is no longer a factor. This makes UDP very popular and a very optimal solution in these types of situations as it would be more preferred than its counterparts.

What is a Webmaster?

A webmaster is the position given to a person responsible for maintaining one or more websites of a company. The position came about for the need of having someone to fulfill these duties and after once it was required for there to be a single point of contact for those who administered a domain and as such, the "webmaster" title unofficially became tied to "web administrator".

What is PHP?

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP for short) is a language made for server-side scripting with a focus on web development; although, it can also be used as a general language tool. Although originally created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994, its reference implementation is now managed by The PHP Group. Originally, “PHP” stood for Personal Home Page but since then, it became a recursive acronym for the full name of PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor.

How to defend Wordpress from DDoS attacks?

Wordpress is one of the most popular CMS platform available today with over 75 million websites powered by it. The popularity comes with risks as vulnerabilities and weakness of such platform will be shared amongst hackers and script kiddies, and automated bots will be searching for websites built on Wordpress platform.